Shoretel Voicemail notification setup

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There are several ways to enable voicemail notifications via email in Shoretel.

Here are the things you will have to set on the user profiles:

1.  In Shoreware Director, Administration, Users, Individual Users; on each of the user profiles, specify the user’s email address in the General Tab.

2.  Under the General tab, click the link for ‘Escalation Profiles and Other Mailbox Options’ and specify the user’s email address and ‘Deliver Message as Email’ option.

Here are the settings for the server:

1.  Under Voicemail, Options; specify the ‘From Address for Email Notifications’

2.  If you are using a Voicemail switch, go to Sites and open your Headquarters Site.  And then specify the SMTP relay which is your Exchange server address or your smart host.

3.  If you are using your Shoretel server for voicemails, login to your server and open IIS6.0.  Expand your server and right click on SMTP Virtual Server and select Properties.  Under the Delivery tab, click Advanced and enter your Exchanger server or Smart Host address under Smart Host.  You will have to restart IIS after making the changes.  The voicemails will be saved in the queue folder under C:\inetpub\mailroot as they are being sent.

Exchange 2010 and MaxInbound ConnectionPerSource

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The exchange receive connectors do have settings for Maximum Inbound connection which is set to 20 by default.  If a server allowed to send emails reach this limit, you would see a log on the Exchange server.

Event 1021, MSExchangeTransport

Receive connector ‘name of connector’ rejected an incoming connection from IP address ‘server ip’.  The maximum number of connections per source (20) for this connector has been reached by this source IP address.

To verify the status of the receive connector, run the following cmdlet:

Get-ReceiveConnector ‘name of connector’ | select name, maxinbound*

To adjust the limit of the receive connector, run the following cmdlet:

Set-ReceiveConnector ‘name of connector’ -maxinboundconnectionpersource <value>

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_subplan_job_id"

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This post helped me with my issue on one of my jobs. Thanks

Mohsin's DBA Blog

Issue: When trying to delete a Scheduler job which was created as part of a maintenance plan, we get the following error

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Drop failed for Job 'manual_db_backups.Subplan_1'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) For help, click: ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_subplan_job_id". The conflict occurred in database "msdb", table "dbo.sysmaintplan_subplans", column 'job_id'. The statement has been terminated. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 547) For help, click:

We were getting the error even after removing the maintenance plan from SSIS.

To Resolve I did the following:


-- View the Maintenance plan subplans 
select * from sysmaintplan_subplans

-- View the Maintenance plan logs 
select * from sysmaintplan_log

To Delete the subplan:


--Delete the Log history for the maintenance plan…

View original post 34 more words

Workaround for syspolicy_purge_history step 3 error on SQL 2012

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I have started setting up a couple of servers with SQL 2012 SP2.  And I noticed that the syspolicy_purge_history job is failing on Step 3 with the following error message:

A job step received an error at line 1 in a Powershell script.  The corresponding line is ‘set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned -scope process -Force’.  Correct the script and reschedule the job.


So far I have not seen any valid resolution online, so as a workaround, I have setup the Execution policy to UNDEFINED on the following registry entry:

Execution Policy, REG_SZ,Undefined

And as a warning, changing the execution policy to UNDEFINED may open security holes on your server.  If you found a fix for this issues, please feel free to leave a comment so I can update this post.

Update:  I found a Microsoft KB article that talks about adding a GPO to correct the issue.

Thank you


How to create a list of servers to be managed in SSMS

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Most of the time when you try to connect to SQL servers, you often have to connect and enter in the name of the server/instance or you have to click on the drop down to show the previous server you have connected to.  That works for me most of the time, but I am going to show you how to add those servers in such a way that you can easily connect to them by just clicking on the server name.  And you can even setup different types of authentication used and connection properties.

First, you have to open SSMS and select View, then Registered Servers.  And then you can add connections to the servers and instances via the roles assigned on your SQL server.


Select the ‘Database Engine’ icon if you would like to connect to the main database, right-click and select ‘New Server Registration’.   And setup the server connection properties.


Finding out most recent queries run on a specific database

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I found this useful script online to find out the queries run on a specific database.  This script is useful when you are trying to go back and find out what was ran on the database.


SELECT deqs.last_execution_time AS [Time], dest.text AS [Query], dest.*

FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS deqs

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deqs.sql_handle) AS dest

WHERE dest.dbid = DB_ID(‘dbname’)

ORDER BY deqs.last_execution_time DESC



How to find users with ActiveSync and OWA enabled

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We had an auditor come in and asked us to get a report on users that currently have ActiveSync and OWA enabled.  And here is a powershell that allows you to get those information and save it to a file.

get-casmailbox -resultsize unlimited | ft DisplayName,ActiveSyncEnabled,OWAEnabled | Out-File c:\result.txt

I am still trying to find a way to set both ActiveSync and OWA to disabled for any new users.  Please feel free to comment if you have anything in mind.  I have seen a couple of examples for Powershell which work, but I am not necessarily the only one creating new users and they may have not access to powershell.

Common issues with Akcelerant and how to fix it.

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We are using Akcelerant for collections purposes and during the course of administering this application, I have compiled a couple of issues and fixes.

Here are the common issues and fixes I have found:

1.  reseapp.asp won’t complete the process

– check and make sure that the global.asa, resetapp.asp and web.config has the correct value set.  Most of the upgrades wipe the connection string on these files.  These files are under ..\website, application\exe.

The value should look like value=”Server=<dbserver>;Database=<dbname>;UID=<sqluser>;PWD=<sqlpassword>”

– Under the application pool in IIS, make sure to assign the identity to the service account you have created

– Under the Basic Settings of the default website, assign the service account to connect to the path.  Click ‘Test Settings’ after setting up the service account to confirm it works.

– Check Component Services in MMC and check the Akcelerant COM+ object and make sure that it is using the same identity as the application pool.

2.  The home page does not show a login screen

– make sure that the web.config file does not have an entry for ‘Provider=SQLOLEDB’


I have more troubleshooting steps for reporting servers, and I will add them here shortly…

How to move a user database to a different location

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Here are a couple of ways to move the database files to a different location other than the default.

Using SSMS:

1.  Using the SQL Server Management Console, right-click on the database, go to Task and Detach.  You may also have to restrict access to the database to SINGLE_USER before you can perform the Detach if there is a process currently using it.  To set it to SINGLE_USER mode, right-click on the database, properties, Options and scroll down to Restrict Access.

2.  Once the database is detached, copy/move the data file (.MDF) and log file (.LDF) to the new location, and then Attach the database back.  Right-click on Databases, select Attach.  Hit Add on the Attach Databases window and then browse to the new data file (.MDF) location and select the database.  If the log file (.LDF) is located on a separate disk, then you will also have to specify the path for the log file under the Database details window.  Then hit OK.

Using T-SQL scripts with Detach:

1.  You can run the following scripts to Detach, copy/move the data files and then perform the Attach command.  I will use the TEST database with an example path.










( FILENAME = N’Z:\LOG\TEST_log.ldf‘ )



Using T-SQL Scripts with Alter Command:




— Please note that the EXEC XP_CMDSHELL command might not work if it is not enabled in your SQL server.  You will need to enable it first or you can substitute this command with manually copying/moving the data files.









Event 2028, MSExchangeIS Public Store, how to troubleshoot?

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Before I was able to figure out this issue, I have been receiving more than 100 of these alerts in Exchange.


The delivery of a message sent by public folder <publicfolder> has failed.





The non-delivery report has been deleted.


The event ID does not give you a lot of information and it is hard to figure out where this is coming from.

By default, mail-enabled Public Folders are not able to receive NDRs that is why you are seeing these alerts in the logs.

Here are the steps I took to figure out where the emails are being generated:

1.  Login to Exchange Management Console, open the Public Folder Management Console and drill down to the public folder mentioned in the event ID.

2.  Right-click on the public folder, properties, Mail Flow Settings, Delivery Options and then add an email address where you want all NDRs to be sent (All other emails are also forwarded just an FYI).  And DO NOT forget to check the box ‘Deliver message to both forwarding address and mailbox’ so that the regular emails are still being received on the mail-enabled public folder.

Once all settings above are setup, the NDRs will be forwarded to the email specified in the forwarding address field.  And the NDRs will give you all info you need as with a regular NDR.

In my case, the emails are being generated externally by our vendor and I had to quarantine the emails on our SPAM firewall so they no longer reach the Exchange Server.

I hope this helps.


I also added this same comment to the forum in